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Program 2020: readings – wine – photography- wine tastings

Since the very beginning, we trust in a close relationship between art and wine. Accordingly, we propose cultural evenings of different type every year.

In January 2020, the program “Letture in cantina” (Readings at the Winery) was launched: a series of Meet the Author Evenings, surrounded by books, theater experiences and wine tastings. Passages of the books will be read and interpreted by the theater company from Verona GTV NIU’ (the following actors will be present: Andrea Pellizzari , Cristina Fasoli and Francesca Pasetto). Every meeting will be then followed by an aperitif where you'll have the opportunity to taste the wines of the winery and the fruit and vegetable products of the farm Azienda Agricola Corte Lonardi of Moira Guadagnini and her family.

The complete program:

January 18, 2020 “Le verdure dimenticate, conoscere e cucinare ortaggi antichi, insoliti e curiosi” by Morello Pecchioli

February 8, 2020 “Meno male che Heidi c’è! Avventure educative e altri amori” by Barbara Gaiardoni; video production by Andrea Vanacore

March 21, 2020 “Catari sul Garda, Maddalena l’apostola e il vescovo donna” by Claudia Farina

April 4, 2020 “Soto l’ombria del morar” by Ruggeri Maria Bottura. Stories in the dialect from Verona - Speakers: Morello Pecchioli, a journalist and a writer, and Claudio Gasparini, a professor

Furthermore, this year marks the 10th anniversary of the event “Arte in cantina” (Art at the Winery). We are currently working at a new project: “Concorso fotografico vino e fotografia – La trasformazione” (A Photo Contest About Wine And Photography).

All works will be displayed at the winery from May throughout September 2020 – the most voted pictures will be awarded a prize. Drop by and have a look!



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