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Vini D’Italia 2019 – Gambero Rosso

Piona brothers and sister Silvio, Monica, Alessandro and Massimo are among the most interesting interpreters of the denominations Bardolino and Custoza. Their strength relies on an extensive vineyard located in this area, which is almost completely dedicated to the grape sorts making up the basis for the historical wines from Verona. In the cellar you are not going to find a lot of oak, but a constant attention to the aging of their wines, which develop a relevant character of elegance and longevity. The two most interesting wines we tasted this year are SP wines, one Custoza and one Bardolino, year 2015. The long refinement time gave the first intense floral notes leaving the pace to citrus and saffron nuances; the mouth is fluent, backed by a lively acidity and a savory note of great allure. Fresher to the nose the second; the sip conveys the fruit in its whole, backed by a pleasantly rough tannin. Custoza Campo del Selese and Corvina Campo Massimo of the same year are outstanding wines as well.

Two red glasses - From very good to outstanding wines ranking final tastings

Bardolino SP ‘15  

Custoza Sp ‘15 

Two black glasses - From very good to outstanding wines in their respective categories

Bardolino ‘17 

Bardolino Chiaretto ‘17

Campo Massimo Corvina Veronese ‘15

Custoza ‘17

Custoza superiore Campo del Selese ‘15

One black glass - Good wines in their respective categories

Estro di Piona Blanc

Estro di Piona Rosè

Verde Piona Frizzante




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